Soothin Ascensions

Numerology Academy Master Class

How Can Understanding Your Numerology Chart Benefit You?

Finding Clarity in Chaos

Life can often be confusing, but numerology illuminates your unique path. By decoding the patterns in your birth numbers, you gain invaluable insights into your purpose, helping you face challenges with newfound clarity.

Empowerment through Self-Awareness

Explore the depths of your soul with numerology. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses, you learn how to leverage them to your advantage. This self-awareness empowers you to make informed decisions that resonate with your true essence.

Harmonizing with Abundance

Imagine living in tune with the universe’s rhythms. Numerology reveals cycles of opportunities and challenges, enabling you to make choices that align with the abundant flow of life. This approach enriches every aspect of your existence, beyond just material wealth.

Purposeful Growth

Embarking on a spiritual journey means walking with purpose. Learning Numerology serves as a compass, guiding you toward personal growth and expansion. Identify the blocks that hinder your progress and develop strategies to overcome them.

Living Aligned with Your Soul

Embrace your soul’s purpose and step into your greatness. Learning Numerology offers a transformative roadmap, bridging the gap between where you are and where you’re destined to be. This journey helps you live a life aligned with your soul’s calling.

Empowered Decision-Making

Life consists of a series of decisions, both big and small. Numerology provides a deeper understanding of the energies influencing your choices. By making decisions in harmony with these energies, you set yourself up for success.

Learn How Numerology

Can Help You in all areas of your life!

Numerology is an ancient practice that explores the mystical relationship between numbers and life events. It is based on the idea that numbers, particularly the numbers associated with your name and birth date, have a profound influence on your personality, life path, and destiny. By understanding numerology, you can gain insights into various aspects of your life, helping you make informed decisions and achieve personal growth. Here’s how numerology can help you:

1. Self-Discovery and Personal Growth

Understanding Your Life Path Number: The Life Path Number is derived from your birth date and reveals your life's purpose, strengths, and challenges. By understanding your Life Path Number, you can gain clarity on your true potential and the direction your life should take.

Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: Numerology helps you recognize your inherent strengths and weaknesses. By becoming aware of these traits, you can leverage your strengths and work on improving areas where you might be lacking.

2. Enhancing Relationships

Compatibility Analysis: Numerology can help you understand your compatibility with others by comparing Life Path Numbers, Destiny Numbers, and other significant numbers. This knowledge can improve your relationships by highlighting potential challenges and strengths in your interactions.

Improving Communication: By understanding the numerical influences on yourself and others, you can tailor your communication style to better connect with friends, family, and colleagues.

3. Career and Financial Guidance

Choosing the Right Career: Your Expression Number, derived from the letters of your full name, can provide insights into your talents and aptitudes. This information can guide you towards a career that aligns with your natural abilities and passions.

Financial Decisions: Numerology can offer guidance on financial matters by analyzing your Personal Year Number, which indicates the themes and opportunities you will encounter in a given year. This can help you make better financial decisions and investments.

4. Timing and Decision-Making

Personal Year and Month Cycles: Numerology reveals cyclical patterns in your life through Personal Year and Personal Month Numbers. Understanding these cycles can help you plan significant events, such as starting a new project, moving, or making major life changes, at the most auspicious times.

Optimal Timing for Actions: By aligning your actions with the energies of specific numbers, you can enhance the likelihood of success in your endeavors.

5. Spiritual Growth and Inner Peace

Connecting with Your Inner Self: Numerology encourages introspection and self-awareness, fostering a deeper connection with your inner self. This can lead to greater inner peace and spiritual growth.

Finding Life Purpose: Numerology helps you understand your life's purpose and align your actions with your higher goals, bringing more meaning and fulfillment to your life.

Who can benefit from learning Numerology?

Business Owners & Recruiters:

Numerology provides invaluable insights into the unique qualities and potential of individuals, including yourself and your employees. By decoding the numerical significance of names and birthdates, you gain a deeper understanding of your team's dynamics, strengths, and areas for growth. This knowledge enables you to optimize team collaboration, enhance communication, and maximize productivity.

Moreover, uncovering the life purpose and destiny numbers of yourself and your team members empowers you to align your business strategies with your collective mission. By tapping into the inherent talents and passions of your team, you can cultivate a work environment that fosters creativity, innovation, and fulfillment. Our online course equips you with practical tools and strategies to integrate numerology into your business management practices effectively. Whether you're seeking to streamline operations, improve employee engagement, or enhance leadership effectiveness, numerology offers valuable insights to guide your decision-making process.

Life coaches, readers, and healers

If you are a spiritual healer, a reader, or a life coach, learning numerology can help you with your clients. Knowing your clients chart numbers offers better guidance. You will be more capable of guiding them on a path in alignment with their soul purpose. There’s no need to second-guess what a person is aligned with anymore. When you read a person’s chart, you will fully know where they are supposed to be in life. You can give valuable insight into their life and help them find purpose.

People 55 and over

If you are over the age of 55 and want to learn more about thyself, learning Numerology can help you with that! You have lived many beautiful lives and this one is no exception! You have done many things and now you want to figure out more about yourself and what makes you vibe! Learning numerology will help you to find self discovery, and know the parts of yourself that you have hidden for years. You can also help your family members and close loved ones.

Parents with adolescent and teenage children

If you’re having a hard time connecting with your children, chances are you may not really understand them at their core. When you learn your child’s numerology chart, you’re able to best help and guide them, as well as maneuver their energies. Learn their strengths and their weaknesses. As a parent, understanding your children's strengths, weaknesses, and purpose can be instrumental in guiding them towards a fulfilling and a successful future. Numerology offers a unique and insightful way to unlock these essential aspects of your child's personality and potential. By delving into the numerical significance of their name and birthdate, you can gain profound insights into their innate talents, challenges, and life path. Learning numerology can help you tailor your parenting approach to better support your child's individual needs and aspirations. By recognizing their strengths, you can nurture and encourage them to excel in areas where they naturally thrive. Similarly, understanding their weaknesses allows you to provide targeted assistance and guidance, helping them overcome obstacles and develop resilience. Moreover, discovering your child's life purpose through numerology can empower them with a sense of direction and clarity from an early age.

Learn Numerology at you own pace!

Numerology instantly reveals your Destiny!

Numerology is a powerful tool that can help you gain insights into your personality, strengths, weaknesses, and purpose. By understanding the numbers that are associated with your name and birthdate, you can unlock the secrets of your destiny and gain a deeper understanding of your life's purpose. This is an ancient study that dates back pre-Biblical days and started in the days when the great scientists, philosophers, and mathematician walked the Earth like Pythagoras, and Socrates, making numerology scientific. Learn how numerology can help

improve your life and your business.

In this course, we will explore 3 major forms of Numerology in the world, the Tamil, Chaldean, and Pythagorean numerology systems. Learn to do numerology professionally or to discover your own path. We will delve into the different numbers that are associated with your name and birthdate, and how they can reveal your personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life path. By the end of this course, you will have a deeper understanding of yourself and your life's purpose.

Taught by world renowned Author and Numerologist

Stacy Ann Brown

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Lesson 1 The history of Numerology:

Discover the origins and evolution of Numerology

by exploring the history of its three distinct systems,

tracing its ancient roots and development over time.

Lesson 2 Life Path Number: Discover and understand the path and destiny meant for you. Learn your life purpose and find meaning.

Lesson 3: Quiz number 1

Lesson 4: The Birthday Number Understanding your birthday number will help you to better understand your strengths and special talents you

were born with.

Lesson 5: The Personality Number The Personality Number can be a useful tool for gaining self-awareness and understanding of others first impression of you. It can also be used to gain insight into the personalities of others and to improve communication and relationships.

Lesson 6: The Expression Number The Expression Number is considered one of the most important numbers in numerology, as it can give insight into your life's purpose and direction. It represents your innate abilities and talents, and can help you understand what fields of study or work may be best suited for you.

Lesson 7: Soul Urge also known as a heart's desire. Every person has a unique set of motivations and desires that are governed by their soul urge number. This number is calculated based on the vowels in a person's full name and it represents their innermost yearnings and aspirations.

Lesson 8: Quiz number 2

Lesson 9: Karmic Debt Not everyone has one but for those who do. Knowing what it may be will help you to overcome it. Based on the calculator of your core chart numbers, your Karmic debt number reveals if you have anything from a past life that was not resolved and needs to be in this one.

Lesson 10: Challenge Number in numerology, the challenge number is a number that can indicate areas of difficulty or obstacles that a person may encounter throughout their life. It's important to remember that challenge numbers are not necessarily negative, but rather areas of growth and learning. By being aware of our challenge numbers, we can better understand the obstacles we may face and work towards overcoming them.

Lesson 12: Life Pinnacle we also face challenges and obstacles that test our strength and resilience. However, when we reach the pinnacle of our lives, we realize that every step we took was worth it.

Lesson 13: Personal Year: each year has a specific vibration that influences the events and circumstances of your life.

Lesson 14: Quiz 3

Lesson 15: Learn the steps to do a full numerology chart reading for yourself clients or loved ones:

Lesson 16: Chaldean Numerology. Unlike other forms of numerology, Chaldean numerology assigns numbers to the letters based on the sound they make, rather than their position in the alphabet. Many people have found Chaldean numerology to be a helpful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

Lesson 17: Tamil Indian Numerology In Tamil Indian numerology, there are 3 important numbers that are calculated based on a person's name and date of birth - the psychic number, the name number, and the destiny number.

Lesson 18: The Maturity number: As you get older you mature. Learn the special number and frequency of your maturity.

Lesson 19: The balance number: we all deal with conflict differently. Find out at what frequency your emotional response is to situations of turmoil.

Lesson 20: How to do a full chart reading, choosing the best method.

Lesson 21: Final How to incorporate numerology into your business.

Lesson 22: How to help your clients navigate their life with numerology.

Lesson 23: How to relate to your children with numerology

Structured like a college-level

course...We've left nothing out!

Instant access to all sessions (40 + video lessons and written lectures). Learn to give a professional Numerology reading.

Bonus lessons on how to

pick the best method for

your clients and yourself.

Also learn how to start a Successful Numerology practice!

Easy to understand lessons.

Certificate of Completion after

all course material is completed and Quizzes passed.


Soothin Ascensions

Numerology 101 Master Class

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